The Importance of Gratitude in Business

We most often associate the practice of Gratitude with personal relationships like friendships, partnerships, or family. “Gratitude” and “Business” sadly are words you rarely read or hear in the same sentence. And yet gratitude can play a crucial role in creating a healthy company culture and a productive working environment. A…

We most often associate the practice of Gratitude with personal relationships like friendships, partnerships, or family.

“Gratitude” and “Business” sadly are words you rarely read or hear in the same sentence.

And yet gratitude can play a crucial role in creating a healthy company culture and a productive working environment.

A CEO that I coached once remarked, ‘The more I know and understand the people that work for me, the more grateful I am to have them around, the more I appreciate them and what they do. What happens outside of the workplace is a big part of it. It contributes to what makes us a great team.’

And yet the workplace remains the least likely place the gratitude is expressed.

In a recent survey in the US by The John Templeton Foundation: 93% of the respondents agreed that a grateful boss is more likely to succeed, and almost all of them agreed that a simple “thank you” at work made them feel valued and respected.

And yet, only 10% were prone to express gratefulness.

60% of the respondents, have never expressed gratitude at work, or have only done so once a year!

The working environment is something that I coach a lot about.

Poor Leaders and Environment are two of the major reasons people look to leave their current roles.

When practiced regularly, gratitude at work has been proven to make us happier, improve our moods, and make us feel more connected to others.

It can also lead to a greater sense of belonging which can lead to greater job performance, fewer sick days, and lower staff turnover.

Practicing gratitude at work can make employees feel more grateful about their role:

  • It isn’t only related to current job satisfaction, but grateful employees also anticipate being more satisfied with their jobs in six months’ time.
  • Employees who practice gratitude at work have a stronger sense of community.
  • Grateful employees tend to focus more on the things they appreciate at work, rather than those that annoy them.

When you express gratitude, it doesn’t just affect internal relationships between colleagues and management. It can also improve the relationship between the business and its customers.

What happens on the inside gets reflected in the outside world. If you would like to explore workplace culture and environment, then get in touch.

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