We live in an uncertain world and yet we crave certainty. We want control but we give it up to other people and circumstances. We complain that we lack time but don’t know where our time goes. We lose sight of who we are and what we want out of…

We live in an uncertain world and yet we crave certainty.

We want control but we give it up to other people and circumstances.

We complain that we lack time but don’t know where our time goes.

We lose sight of who we are and what we want out of life because we lack certainty, have no control, and lack time to do the things we want to do.

But why?

We need to raise our standards.

In my new book, when exploring self-awareness, I discuss this.

To begin we need to understand where we are right now.

When we begin to raise our standards, we start to live a life that is more fulfilling than the one we have right now.

So, how do we raise our standards?

It begins with stretching, moving out of your comfort zone, and beyond the limits of what you know.

There are 4 different areas to stretch:

💥Physical – Without health we have nothing. If you don’t like what you see in the mirror. You need to collaborate with the twins, Diet and Exercise.

There is no magic pill or formula.

Start where you’re at.

💥Mental – This can be education or increasing your knowledge. But before you go off and sign up for another course. How many of the answers to what you need to do, do you have already?

This is the magic of Coaching and countless lines of testimonials from clients when they realise that they already have the answers, it just needs reawakening and pulling to the front of their minds.

💥Emotional – This is our development from being egocentric to ethnocentric. This means that we begin to understand and appreciate that there is more to life than just us. We begin to focus more on the needs of other people rather than ourselves.

In Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, we have attained Self-Actualisation.


💥Spiritually – The challenge of spirituality is that it is a journey and not a destination. Knowing that you are here on purpose, for a purpose. When you get this, you move closer to a deeper level of fulfillment.

Having identified the 4 areas to stretch, there are 3 things you need if you are going to raise your standards:

➡️ Inspiration – To be quite blunt. You are either inspired or you are not! If you are not inspired right now, step outside of yourself. Truly inspired people are not egocentric.

➡️ Discipline – Discipline must follow inspiration. If Discipline comes first, it’s willpower and willpower is not sustainable. Discipline is not sustainable unless it has inspiration behind it.

➡️ Surrender to purpose – When Inspiration and Discipline are in place, surrendering to purpose will allow you to raise your standards in any area of your life.

When you surrender to your outcome and purpose you’re saying, ‘I’m just going to do it, and nobody is talking me out of it, and it is what it is.’

Now what would it feel like to be in that place?

If you would like to explore how coaching can help you, then get in touch.


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